Youth Leagues

winter 2024-2025


5v5 Matches

U9 and older play 5v5 (4 players and a goalie)
U8 and younger play 4v4 (3 players and a goalie)

8 Matches

8 Games guaranteed for EVERY team.


Awards for 1st and 2nd place teams.

Two Brackets

Upper and lower brackets.

Weekend Games

Games on Saturday and/or. Sunday from 8:30am - 8:30pm

Starts November 16th

November 16th - January 26th

  • Registration deadline is October 30th 
  • We will work to accommodate playing booth OYSA and Futsal
  • Contact league scheduler at for schedule request.
  • Schedule request are due by November 1st

Looking for long term rental ?

Book one or more fields over months or through out the year!